Sho Rai was my baby, my bestie, and life companion. He was my lap kitty, my sleep buddy, and eater of massive amounts of food. He was everything I ever wanted.
The newest addition to the family, his name is Sho Sugino Rai (the second Rai) and will follow in a long line of Rai’s. He is a red/white tabby Maine Coon (like Brandy Rai) & was born on 20 March 2007.
The basis of the name comes from Valiant Comic’s Rai series:
Sho Sugino, the Second Rai
In the year 3216, seeking to thwart Grandmother’s champion, the Anti-Grannies had somehow managed to obtain the Blood of Heroes “ the very plasma that coursed through Bloodshot’s veins nearly twelve hundred years before.
Once a suitable host could be found, the blood’s power could be used to give them control over any electronic intelligence “ including Grandmother’s. Sho Sugino, the second Rai, was summoned to defend Japan, protect Grandmother, and defeat the terrorists.
He succeeded but after handing over the blood of heroes he was abandoned in the Lost Land by Grandmother.
Sho Rai was my Bret The Hitman Hart. The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be.
Sho Rai even gotten his own microsite-site at now. He will always be the MASTER, the GREATEST EVER. Miss my Sho Rai lots.
LAST UPDATE – On 4 January 2019, Sho passed away after complications from a surgery that discovered a tumor in his nasal passage. The time of death is 5:36 pm AZ local time.
UPDATE – I brought Truffle & Sho in for a routine checkups on 24 October 2008 and Sho weighed in @ 12 lbs 4 ounces. He’s got a lot of growing still to do, likely in the 16 or 17 lbs range.
UPDATE – I was messing around with the scale today and weighed the boys and found that Sho weighs in at 17.4lbs now, as of 15 May 2011. And the funny part to this is he’s about done growing lengthwise now, but still has some growing to do in the width department. I can easily see 22-25lbs for this Maine Coon.
UPDATE – Today (10 January 2016) I weighed Sho and he came in at 23lbs on the dot. Or the dot in which my scale suggested. Incredible at just how huge he is.
UPDATE – This is kinda funny since it’s a year later, but today (13 January 2017) I weighed Sho and he came in at 23.6lbs. His diet needs to be changed but he never has looked fat (except when he runs).
UPDATE – This is kinda funny since it’s a year later again, but today (19 January 2018) I weighed Sho and he came in at 23.8lbs. Such a loving and amazing cat.
UPDATE – Actually brought him to my longtime vet, Quail Crossing Animal Hospital ,official weight is 22.1lbs on 2 June 2018. He was a pain in the ass to get into the cage, but good while at the vet. Got a good checkup from the Dr. and lots of oohs and ahhs.