This is another compilation of the posts that I have done, a collection known as “New Direction”. This is a continuation of The Code.
The New Direction is designed to give someone a chance to think for a second and see how anything can open one’s mind and allow for an increased consciousness.
It is a New Direction because we need more thought leaders in this world.
#1. Be courteous towards others: You would think that this was self-explanatory, but it goes to show that one should realize that being courteous to others shows respect. Respect begets respect. Courteousness in the face of anger shows restraint. Power does not need to be feed but rather grounded.
courteous > respect > restraint = real power
#2. Listen: Practice the art of listening to become a better speaker. Listening is learning, learning the nuances of the language. Speaking is power. The better you speak the better your sound.
The better you hear the better off you are.
The better you hear the better off you are.
#3. Pain : Be careful what you wish for as it will come true and it will be painful. Be forewarned.
#4. Privacy : Every person should be concerned with their own privacy for knowing someone else’s is to see into your own sorted events.
#5. Memory : As time races on, memories will fade. How do you want to be remembered? For good or for bad?
#6. Scared : The state of being scared isn’t something that one can hear or feel, you become aware of it thru pain and discomfort.
#7. Love : Only love is worth having, only love is what matters, loving every people on equal terms. (rap artist Prix-mo reading from the book “Cultural Revolution”.)
#8. Heroes : One can never understand another Man’s heroes but can only hope to strive to achieve their reverence.
#9. Moving On : Moving on from one abstract idea to another doesn’t mean those left behind don’t hurt.
#10. Toughness : The greatness within can only shine if you uncover it. There is no greater power then ones self.
#11 Reliance : The saying goes that you can only rely on yourself. That is true. If you rely on others you will be disappointed, in the end, or in the now, be strong and own yourself.
#12 Decisions : Like tripping and falling down, you got there through the choices you made.